Ready to start truly living? So many of us on this planet walk around feeling anxiety, depression, sadness, anger, and in fear most of the time. I know I did. It takes courage, commitment, and bravery, but the inner journey is one that will literally change your life in (every way) FOREVER and be a decision you will never regret. If you are ready to experience more joy, ease, mental clarity, self-esteem, connection (to yourself and others), and start to live a life you actually LOVE and are the conscious creator of, this container is for you.
What it is: A self-study journey and life-changing experience of accessing your personal power and “taking care of the human”. Consider this the rock-solid foundational work that everything else can build and grow on.
My Why: I see so many incredible brave souls who want to rise, who desire to live a fully-expressed life, but don’t know what to do, how to do it, or where to start. Some dabble and make small strides, but often self-sabotage, or don’t fully express because of fear, illusion, old wounding, outdated belief systems, or are lost in the “fog” and have shadow work/cycles to break. These patterns and cycles can show up as: over-functioning, codependency, low self-esteem, resentment, blaming others, feeling constantly triggered and out of control, living in constant fear, etc. (fun, right?)
What’s Included:
3 months' worth of curated course material (you will have 6 months to access and complete) including videos, journal prompts, resources, embodiment processes, and the option to upgrade and work with me 1:1 to deepen the process.
BONUS: Movement sessions. Transformation is inclusive of your mind, your spirit, and your BODY. Exercise helps to move stuck energy, work through anger and raise your vibration, so for the full 3 months, you will receive unlimited access to the SWEAT Vancity On-Demand video bank of 400+ on-demand workouts (all levels) to do at home, at your leisure.
What to expect:
Throughout our time together, you will be provided weekly dripped material that is packed with videos, embodiment tools, journal prompts, meditations, Ted Talks, and posts/videos from other leading practitioners to deepen your experience and understanding of the month’s focus/module. It was designed to be a 3 month experience, however you will have 6 months access to the full content.
The ingredients inside the container:
Module 1: Blocks and Stories - identifying them, understanding them, deleting them (if outdated), and re-wiring them so you can live a “fuck yes” life.
Module 2: Conditioning + Patterns - now we dive deeper into our conditioning and patterns. These, along with our blocks and stories make the perfect “cocktail” of what I call.. The Fog. The Fog is the limiting reality we often find ourselves in that can feel out of alignment with our true selves and can evoke a sense of feeling “lost”. We want to get intimate with these factors, so we can start to question their accuracy and start to see things a bit more “clearly”.
Module 3: Thoughts + Beliefs - in this module, we dive into observing our thought patterns and belief systems. Science shows we have roughly 70k + thoughts a day, and many of them can be repetitive and negative. Over time, these thoughts become our belief systems which largely influence our current realities and what we deem possible. Most of these beliefs are not even ours, limited, and end up boxing us into lives that are much smaller than what we are actually capable of.
Module 4: Triggers + Wounds - Triggers - Landmines, everywhere? Everybody pissing you off? Haha, we've got some work to do. Building emotional intelligence is one of the most powerful gifts we can offer ourselves (and the people around us). When we can get curious about the wounding and stories that we bring into our experiences, we can transcend it. This is where the magic happens.
Module 5: Shadow Work - ready to go deep? This is where we identify the parts of yourself you may be denying, hiding, and afraid of. Over this two-week span, we have the opportunity to get to know your inner critic, your judgmental self, and any parts of yourself that you may have rejected or “locked away”. This work is truly the key to our freedom in so many ways. When we can learn to integrate our shadows we become more “whole” versions of ourselves.
Module 6: Inner Child - your inner child is inseparable from you. Children’s pain is often minimized (by others and ourselves), and by working through this content, you have the opportunity to venture back to your younger years and give yourself any of the support and/or love you needed and for whatever reason, didn't receive. Between the ages of 0 - 7 is generally when our subconscious mind is largely programmed, and depending on what we experienced and the messages that were relayed, we may have unhealed childhood wounds still causing us pain in our adult lives. This work was instrumental in my healing, and I can’t wait to help guide you through this.
Module 7 + 8: All Things Forgiveness - a nice light topic (joking), but as Oprah says: “ forgiveness is giving up hope the past could be any different” aka we let go and surrender to what was, so we free up space to call in the new. I also believe that forgiveness is ultimately a gift we give ourselves, to set ourselves free.
Module 9: Finding Inner Peace, Recap + Accessing Your Magic - now that we have cleared out the overflowing overwhelm, triggers, old belief systems, patterns, and behaviours and have implemented some empowering ones, we can fill that new space inside, with all the gems + gold that is, and always was, meant for you. We will chat about higher selves, new possibilities, and what your new life can entail, now that you are feeling divine AF.
** The above modules were recorded for the intent of a live program so if you hear “group call”, or “when we next speak” etc disregard (unless we choose to connect in a 1:1 capacity!)
Investment in YOU:
I take this work very seriously, and I have never regretted a dollar I have spent on my healing and transformational journey. Time is our most precious and non-renewable resource, so it’s important transformation actually occurs and the work is taken seriously. I have curated this experience so it is not one that just is paid for and sits in your inbox for years on end. It includes Information, Integration Practices and Embodiment offerings.
From an energetic standpoint, I want you to know that by making this investment, you are literally saying a massive YES to yourself, your life, and the universe. What I’ve learned, is that when you enter a state of deep commitment and do something brave and courageous for yourself, you start to become truly unstoppable and new levels start to open up even before the “work” starts. I also want you to trust that what you invest, will come back 10 fold. It always has for me.
OPTION 1: Access to the Transformation Container for a total of 6 months total (from time of purchase)
OPTION 2: Upgrade to the VIP Experience that includes 3 private X 1:1 sessions with me.
With this option, you will have access to 3 x private, 60min 1:1 session with me via Zoom. You will be held, supported, loved, nurtured, and challenged along the way as you step into your highest self (aka badass version). In these sessions, I use my intuition, guided bodywork, breath, and techniques I have learned from mentoring with the top practitioners/coaches in their fields to facilitate your full transformation experience. I will activate all your highest codes and elevate you into your remembering of who you TRULY are.
You’re a fuck yes? Let’s do this thing.